World Of Anaesthesia Podcasts


Podcast Preoperative Assessment of Patients with Cardiac Disease

BJA Podcast Episodes

<"July 2013 || Volume 110 – Issue 7 || 20 Minutes">Copyright ©2013 the British Journal of Anaesthesia
Podcast Pain – recent advances, novel imaging and new challenges
July 2013 || Volume 110 – Issue 7 || 20 Minutes
Podcast Human factors and patient safety in anaesthesia
May 2013 || Volume 110 – Issue 5 || 32 Minutes
Podcast Teleanaesthesia
May 2013 || Volume 110 – Issue 5 || 23 Minutes
Podcast Perioperative medicine: the future of anaesthesia?
March 2013 || Volume 110 – Issue 3 || 16 Minutes
Podcast Inconsistencies in NICE guidance on measuring depth of anaesthesia: limitations of EEG-based technology in detecting who is unconscious
March 2013 || Volume 110 – Issue 3 || 27 Minutes
Podcast Opioid-induced respiratory depression in paediatrics: a review of case reports
February 2013 || Volume 110 – Issue 2 || 17 Minutes
Podcast Failed tracheal intubation in Obstetrics
January 2013 || Volume 110 – Issue 1 || 20 Minutes
Podcast Why do we need research in Anaesthesia?
January 2013 || Volume 110 – Issue 1 || 10 Minutes

The World of Anesthesiology Podcast

Podcast Dexmedetomidine and PNBs
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Dexmedetomidine as an adjuvant to ropivacaine prolongs peripheral nerve block: a volunteer study.
Br. J. Anaesth. (2013) 110 (3): 438-442)
Podcast Fluids, More or Less for sepsis?
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Volume resuscitation is a pivotal element in sepsis management. Guidelines point out to goal directed fluid therapy according to CVP and restoration of intravascular volume. However, there are no guidelines to define upper limits if any exists!
Podcast Long long time ago, Anesthesia originates!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Anesthesia crystalizes into a profession and Surgery transformation begins. Its is great to recognized how Anesthesia propelled surgery and continue to do so to this day. A trip into memory lane from the 1800s where a new science is born and a profession that grew and continues to grow since then.
Podcast ACLS or may be not!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Resuscitation of patients while under anesthesia for surgical procedures may not be your everyday ACLS. While ACLS may fit a wide range of providers and out of hospital Circulatory arrest, the skill set presented by the anesthesiologist, the etiology of arrest and availability of unique technologies call for deviation from the rigid ACLS algorithms.
Podcast Block or not to block for C-section?
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Is Transversus Abdominis block after spinal anesthesia with intrathecal narcotics helpful?
Podcast ICU Sound, Loud and Clear
Monday, October 8, 2012
Echo use by intensivist in ICU is gaining ground very quickly. This article examine the role of protocol of ultrasound exam in diagnosis and treatment in comparison to the gold standards. I have compiled few high quality web resources to learn echo for critical care below (click website link in iTunes)
Echo Links:
Stanford University Echocardiography in ICU:
Vanderbilt Emergency Medicine:…
Podcast Can you hear me ?
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Raj is back and we are a duo again!
Awareness under anesthesia is rare but with major consequences. What should you do to minimize the risk of such events. In this diverse patients, the authors explore the use of Awareness monitor vs simple anesthetic concentration (MAC) alerting system to do just that. Which tool is best for you and your patients?
Podcast Tranexamic Acid for all !
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Antifibrinolytics had been tried for decades to lower surgical blood loss for cardiac and non cardiac surgery patients. Some were hailed for sometime then demonized and were removed, Aprotinin is a classic example. What about Tranexamic acid? What about using it in off-pump coronary bypass grafting? Do we know all we need to know to use it routinely?
Podcast Air in/air out, Ventilating normal lung?
Friday, July 20, 2012
Does protective lung ventilation apply to patients with normal lungs? Should use high PEEP, Low tidal volume ? How does mechanical ventilation affect lung injury and and systemic inflammatory response ? If you like to know, tune in!
Podcast Statistics 101, episode 1
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Dr. Gupta class is open. Raj is learning and teaching statistics at the same time. In this series, you will find a step by step understanding of statistics used in research and publication.
Podcast Statistics 101, episode 2
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Raj continues his statistics class with episode 2. In this series, you will find a step by step understanding of statistics used in research and publication.
Podcast Statistics 101, episode 3
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Raj continues his statistics class with episode 3. In this series, you will find a step by step understanding of statistics used in research and publication. In this episode, we discuss Hypothesis testing and p value.
Podcast Statistics 101, episode 4
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Raj continues his statistics class with episode 4. In this series, you will find a step by step understanding of statistics used in research and publication. In this episode, we discuss Hypothesis testing and p value.
Podcast Statins for all and Succinylcholine too !
Monday, August 15, 2011
Should patients on Statins also have succinylcholine like everyone else? Interesting finding and even more interesting editorial!!
Podcast Magnesium, the 4th ion!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Magnesium, what the anesthesiologist and Intensivist need to know. A comprehensive review of the role of Mg in our clinical practice from the cellular level to its application in randomized trials.
Podcast Thoracic Epidural and the heart of it!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Nahel and Raj discuss the role of thoracic epidurals in cardiac surgery. Off Pump CABG as well as Pump CABG patients may benefit from it. But are we asking the right questions? Or we are chasing a dream difficult to realize? You will be the judge!
Podcast Non Invasive Cardiac output monitors – fact or fiction!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
4 non invasive cardiac output technologies compared to “the Gold standard” PA thermo dilution. Meta analysis of accuracy and precision. Will stand the test ? or should we just lower our standards !
Podcast Not All Anesthetics are created Equal!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Can the choice of anesthetic affect infection rate after joint replacement? A new look on regional anesthesia and total hip and knee replacement.
Podcast Ketamine and Acute pain
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The role of Ketamine in acute pain management of patients with chronic pain. Another new look for uses of ketamine in modern anesthesia and postoperative pain management.
Podcast Not just force, its relaxation too!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Raj and Nahel explore left ventricular dysfunction, both systolic and diastolic. Why diastolic dysfunction has been overlooked and its implication for patients with LV dysfunction undergoing vascular surgery.

Best Free Anaesthesiology Podcasts

1. iTunes Anesthesiology Podcasts
Medscape Anesthesiology Podcast
Beyond Anesthesia Board Review
2. Anaesthesiology News Podcast Library
3. :Multimedia Player
4. ASA Podcasts
5. Beyond The Boards
Note: To listen download Quick Time Player here
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