About ISA Kanyakumari

Anaesthesia Practice in Kanyakumari District

To establish a successful ISA branch in the City, at the southern end of India, we have travelled a long journey which was not only full of hurdles, obstacles and challenges, but also even passionate moments to cherish. Now we have so many feathers of accomplishments in our cap and I hope we are the first City Branch to establish a web-site for practicing anaesthesiology and to create awareness among the public regarding anaesthesia.

Travel down memory-lanes along the path (since 1960)In the year 1960 to 1970
In those years, Spinal Anaesthesia was administered by the surgeons or obstetricians, using 18g or 20g spinal needle, sterilized by autoclaving & re-used many times, resulting in the tip being frequently sharpened. General Anaesthesia was administered by trained Compounders and Staff Nurses. The only available method of General Anaesthesia was Diethyl Ether by open drop method.
In the year 1970 to 1980
First scientific anaesthesia in our City was given by my GURU, Prof.K.P.Ramachandran (KPR), the doyer of the Anesthesiologists of Kerala, who used to come to our District every Wednesday evening and returns on Thursday afternoon, after taking electives cases in few hospitals.

I am privileged to be his blessed first assistant for all cases that he attended in our District in the year 1976.He only sowed the need of ISA in my mind and made me an associate member in Trivandrum City Branch in 1978, when Dr.M.R.Rajagopal, (the pain management Hero of Kerala State) was the Secretary with Dr.Majumdhar (Sree Chitra Thirunal Institute of Research) was the President.

The much talked PAINLESS LABOUR (Epidural Analglsia ) was practised by myself and Prof.K.P.Ramachandran in our District at that the time itself and a Paper was presented in 1980 in Kerala State Conference at Kottayam and it was a prize-winning Paper.Another Paper on Choice of Anaesthesia for Gynaecological Procedures was presented in Madhya Kerala Obstetrics Society Conference.

Then Dr.G.Madhavan Pillai, Dr.C.Vel Murugan & Dr.A.Sivagi entered in the field of Anaesthesia and joined our Team. In this meantime, Dr.Jeya Prakash Sankar joined in Government Headquarters Hospital, Kottar as a First qualified Anaesthesiologist in the year 1979 and used to practice anaesthesia in Private Hospitals. Then, Dr.Gnanamoni and Dr.Rajasingh started practising anaesthesia in Mission Hospitals.

In the year 1980 to 1990
The need of anaesthesiologist in our District was much felt in the year 1980 and many people opted for doing PG Course in Anaesthesia. I joined my D.A. Course in 1981-82 at Madurai Medical College. In the meantime, Prof.K.P.Rama Chandra became ISA National President and we used to attend ISA Meetings in Kerala.
In the year 1990 to 2000
Dr. Vasukinathen and Dr.Shanmuga Sundera Perumal entered the anaesthesia field as Government Doctors at District Head Quarters Hospital in the year 1992. When the number of practising Anaesthesiologists increased to around 15, the need for forming a City Branch was mooted. Could there be another day so nostalgic, so affectionate, so memorable in ingenuity, and organization ? On 16th October 1993, our District gave birth to ISA KANYAKUMARI BRANCH.

Since then, we are adding one Past President every year, which no other Branch or Speciality is contemplating. In the Inaugural Address, Dr.KPR wanted us to do group practice which alone could protect our myocardiam. All sixteen practising Anaesthesiologists were able to be present on that particular day with 100% attendance, which we could not achieve thereafter.

Founder Members of ISA KANYAKUMARI
Dr.Bhagawathy Perumal Dr.Celine Joel
Dr.Gnana Mani Dr.Gayathri Daniel
Dr.Raja Singh Dr.N.Raveendran
Dr.Renu Devopranath Dr.Shanmuga Sundera Perumal
Dr.Sivaji Dr.Subramanian
Dr.Vasukinathen Dr.Vel Murugan
Office Bearers of the First Team:
Dr.S.Subramanian – President
Dr.A.Jeyaprakash Sankar – Vice president
Dr.G.Madhavan Pillai – Secretary
Dr.Renu Devaprakash – Treasurer
The small affectionate Branch at the southern end of India became a pet branch in the State and National Level.The Membership has doubled in another five years. In the toddling stage itself, we were able to conduct a State ConferenceKANISACON 99 successfully in a place where there was no medical college at that time, which is an unknown event.
Year 2000 Onwards
I was unanimously elected as Vice President of Tamilnadu State Branch in 1999 and subsequently elevated as President in the years 2001-2003. Our Branch has a high reputation and we are allowed to conduct the next State Conference in the year 2010 at Kanyakumari.

Dr.G.Anandakumar of our Branch is elected as State Vice President in Cisacon 2008 and he is to occupy the chair of State President in the forthcoming State Conference to be hosted by our ISA Branch in the year 2010.

Every year we used to conduct Family get-together apart from monthly scientific meetings. World Anaesthesia Day is enthusiastically celebrated every year. On many occasions combined meetings are conducted with Surgeons, Gynaecologists and other branches of medical faculty to understand their needs and to provide safe quality anaesthesia to each branch of medical faculty.

In the teaching side also, our Branch has so many credentials. Dr.Jeyasekaran Hospital is accredited to conduct DNB COURSE in the field of Anaesthesiology.The first Medical College was established in our District in the year 2002 at Asaripallam. Department of Anaesthesiology and started functioning under the stewardship of Prof.Thirunavukarasu.

They are periodically conducting Training Courses. One among them was recently concluded CME the ZEN 08 (Zero Error Nerve Block). It was jointly conducted by Department of Anaesthesiology, KGMCH and ISA Kanyakumari, under the chairmanship of Dr.K.Radhakrishnan and Dr.J.Edward Johnson as Organizing Secretary who is now elected as Web Committee Chairman and Dr. C. Retnakumar as Treasurer.

Now the membership is around 50. Almost all the Nursing Houses are provided with Address Book of our ISA Members.The challenges faced by the Anaesthesiologists of today are multifactorials in respect of clinical scenario, coping with technological and pharmacological advancements, not to mention the problems of litigation and open confrontations. Let us not fail to prove the importance of our speciality to medical and non-medical people through our co-operation and ethical scientific anaesthesia practice inside and outside the operation theatres.Anaesthesia is a tight rope-walk, where every step matters and significant. Unity is strength, let us be united forever in our professional work
Posted in Knowledge Desk

Anaesthesia This Month

Dr.S.Subramoniam image
Founder President of our branch Dr.S.Subramoniam is elected as First President of South Zone ISA.

Anaesthesia Pearls

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